back to article Kaspersky blocks BBC News over false phishing fears

Kaspersky's security software created confusion on Wednesday after it blocked the redesigned BBC News site and other web properties. The Russian security firm's widely used Internet Security 2011 package labelled the revamped news site as a phishing risk, warning users against visiting it. The Auntie-blocking behaviour …


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    1. The Beer Monster

      @Customise this page

      I see no such tab...

    2. Juillen 1


      Is the customise link? Had a look through it, and the page is so cluttered, I can't see it..

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    I just hope TheRegister doesn't get a re-design along the same lines....

    because personally, I feel the new BBC website is a step backwards. so much so I was tempted to spell "website" with an additional letter - "h".

    I've tried it at 1024 x 768, 1440 x 900, and 1400 x 1050, and I just cannot stand the layout. It is horrible.

    How much licence-payers money did this cost then?

    Sorry BBC, i could just about cope with the terrible spelling, missing words and sentences - but this redesign is one failure in my eyes.

    Bring back the older and more efficient website design please.

  2. Graham Wilson

    Kaspersky is protecting us from dying of BBC boredom!

    Kaspersky's come to the rescue, it's protecting us from dying of BBC boredom! BBC's properties (especially world service) are best described as:

    -- Boring (very). Rates close to random noise in excitement.

    -- So politically correct the message is garbled (it might offend someone stating facts or opinion).

    -- Repetitive (same stories hour after hour pad out the day's broadcasting).

    -- Narrow minded.

    -- Petty.

    -- Dull and unexciting (watching grass grow is just about as exciting).

    -- Trite (junk news and stories with little substance).

    -- Dumbed-down (if story is technical or difficult you'd never recognise it after the BBC's fucked with it).

    -- Broadcasts bad propaganda (hasn't read the propaganda manual--we see though the crap).

    -- Sports obsessed (run by sports-obsessed tragics).

    -- Full of 'nice' people who wear cardigans (who you'd be embarrassed to be seen with in a restaurant).

    Perhaps we should suggest Kaspersky should strengthen its protection in upcoming versions.

  3. Maverick


    new layout? not sure yet, but had to reduce font several steps to make it usable on my laptop

    but "My News & Weather Location" functionality is totally f^H^H^H^H^Hbroken;

    - doesn't recognise post codes now

    - insists on some random nearby town not my selected town

    - can't customise for local news / sport etc as before

    - why am I forced to display news stories from Northern Ireland, Wales and (god forbid) Scotland rather than where I live? (Yorkshire)

    bookmark removed, bye bye BBC

  4. Lloyd
    Thumb Down

    Maybe the Russians have just decided

    That the new design is frigging awful and so 1997 to navigate that it should be blocked under taste laws, I wonder how much it cost them to do that?

  5. Charles Smith

    Like Kaspersky's blocking of

    I run Kaspersky 2010 and find it quite effective. Sometimes it is too effective. It also blocked my access to Eventually after some googling and rooting around on the Kaspersky tech support website I found a solution/work around. I had to specifically declare as a whitelist domain on each of my PCs using the Kaspersky product.

  6. Anonymous Coward

    That's about right!

    I want my license fee back until I see something worth watching!


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