back to article Profs: Human race must become Hobbits to save planet

Public-health researchers in London have come up with a new plan to save the planet: wealthy westerners should all reduce by several inches in height by starving their children. This would not only save food, but make people much lighter, meaning that cars and buses would use less fuel. The new insight comes from Professor Ian …


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  1. Len Goddard

    A very old idea

    This idea formed the theme of Colin Kapp's novel Manalone, published in 1977.

  2. A J Stiles
    Thumb Down

    Yes BMI = bollocks

    BMI is pretty meaningless, indeed. But it looks impressive, to stupid people who are easily impressed.

    You might just as well say that the perfect weight is your height minus 1, times 100. (Which is a fancy way to say ignore the whole metre, and treat the remaining centimetres as kilos.) So if you are 1m60 tall then you should weigh 60kg., if you are 1m80 tall then you should be weighing 80kg, if you are a full 2m. tall then 100kg. (And you shouldbe paying double on the buses for taking up seats on both upstairs and downstairs decks, you great big freak :) ) This is really no more riduculous than using BMI.

    The idea of charging airline passengers by the kilo can be shown to be flawed. An unladen 747-400 weighs 178756 kg. and can carry 526 passengers and crew. That means, there is already 340kg. of plane for each person on board! Doesn't sound so reasonable now, eh?

  3. M7S

    They've watched too much Star Wars

    To save the planet, as well as living like the Ewoks, they want us to look like them.

    Mind you are those funeral pyres carbon neutral? I bet there are some toxins in that armour when it goes up in smoke.....

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    BMI obsession is besides the point...

    On a recent program on obesity, it was revealed that for an adult weighing 35 stone (I don't recall the exact age) a persons daily calorie intake exceeds colorie burning by one apple - every *three* days! If you take into account the assumed much reduced exercise, and the actually rather realistic claims of lower metabolic rates (even resting metabolic rates are primarily determined by muscle mass, which is primarily determined by exercise) then fatties actually should be expected to eat far less than a person of average fitness. And of course that is a result that has been found in studies for decades, but dismissed out of the must-be-continually-stuffing-their-faces prejudice.

    If your looking for high-consumers of food, look for body builders and people who do lots of exercise. The one increases resting metabolic rate, and the other simply burns lots of energy through activity.

    Actually, a lot of thin people have very high body-fat percentages - major organs atrophying to make room for fat. This causes health problems that are far more serious than obesity, but is invisible. The cause is supposedly too much food and too little exercise - but hang on, how come these thin-fat people don't get obese? That's what's supposed to happen to people who eat too much and don't get enough exercise, isn't it?

    The basic problem is the assumption that people will naturally stuff their faces until their stomachs are full unless they have willpower. That's how people justify their prejudices against obesity - the obese are supposedly morally inferior people who lack willpower. Reality is that appetite is regulated based on the need for the major nutrients - especially protein, which is the only major nutrient that isn't purely for energy and which can't be replaced by some other nutrient.

    If you aren't getting enough protein, you will stay hungry no matter how much fat - *OR* carbohydrate, no matter how complex and unprocessed - you eat. Being hungry, your autonomic stress response will be active. And when your stress response is active, your body tends to burn muscle and lean tissue for energy rather than fat.

    Your choices are either to eat - and if you're not eating enough protein, get fat - or to apply willpower, and thus atrophy your muscles and internal organs and replace them with the fat from the little that you are eating.

    If you accept the current healthy-eating dogma, then you avoid meat because of the fat content - but by doing so, you also avoid protein. Truth is, calorie for calorie, it makes no difference whether you eat fat or carbohydrate - each will convert to the same amount of bodyfat. Vegetarians will point out that our ancestors 5 million years ago lived almost entirely on fruit - but our ancestors a mere 50 thousand years ago were more carnivorous than modern wolves. And look at the eskimos - no fresh vegetables anywhere to be seen, a diet consisting almost entirely of animal products, and virtually no obesity at all until Western foods reached the area.

    A few years ago, a documentary investigating the Atkins diet concluded that the Atkins faithful had the wrong explanation for it working. The real reason was that people on the Atkins diet tended to eat a higher proportion of protein in their diet, and that suppressed the appetite. The implication - though not made explicit - was quite clear. Protein was acting as some kind of evil appetite-suppressing narcotic. Ridiculous. If protein stops people feeling hungry, the logical reason is because the nutrient they needed in the first place was protein.

    As for the problems caused by excessive protein in body-builders, well, they have to force-feed themselves, and they find that an unpleasant chore. A clear indication the appetite stops when you've had enough protein, and that these health effects are extremely unlikely to happen to people who simply include a bit more protein in their diets.

    Incidentally, yes there are plant-based foods with lots of protein. Unfortunately, we don't digest it properly unless we eat meat as well - up to a third of the plant protein is wasted. Why do we digest all that vegetable protein if we eat meat as well? My guess - something in the meat triggers protein digestion. Hardly surprising given the diets of our recent ancestors. But don't expect research into additives that allow more efficient digestion of plant proteins - by far the most likely outcome is systematic ridicule and demonisation of anyone who dares suggest that a vegetarian diet isn't perfect.

    BTW - yes, I am obese. A year ago I was even more obese. Two years ago, I was even more obese than that. Three years ago, well, I think you can see the pattern. I don't do Atkins by any means. I just replaced all that rice, baked potatoes etc that was supposed to be helping me lose weight with chicken breasts and fish fingers etc that *did* help me lose weight. And my exercise levels have increased - but not as a result of willpower. Just having more energy from not feeling ill all the time. That is enough to lose weight - and the weight loss is accelerating over time. In another year or two, I may be able to walk down the street without being ridiculed and spat at.

    In my opinion, the current healthy diet and exercise dogma has a major role in creating the obesity epidemic. Easily available high fat food wasn't as rare in the past as people think, for factory-employed city-dwellers exercise would have been far less than now (large numbers of people were rejected for military service in the first world war because they were too weak and unfit) and the proportion of fat in the average persons diet has been decreasing (NOT increasing) for decades - yet obesity was a rarity right up until people started obsessing about their diet and exercise.

    And I haven't even mentioned the possible epigenetic affects of all those self-starvation-obsessed future mothers.

  5. Gav
    Thumb Down


    I might find this article more convincing if it didn't interchange England and UK/Britain though out, as if they were synonyms.

  6. storng.bare.durid
    Paris Hilton

    If we shrink...

    will our absolute penile lengths remain the same?

    lol just kidding.

    Seriously, the advantages of using the BMI calculation is it's quick and easy to use. It may not be a specific indicator of obesity but you have to admit it's pretty sensitive, depending on your cut off points of course.

    If you have someone with a higher than 'normal' BMI you could then eyeball him, or /shrug get out the calipers. That should give you an idea if that individual needs any help with weight loss.

    Not completely useless a measurement, it's a useful tool but you have to know its limitations.

  7. Alfonso Vespucci
    Black Helicopters

    to all those old hippies out there

    Foxtrot was a warning not a manual, man.

    Black Helicopter because it's the Watcher of the Skies

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Black Helicopters

    Warning From the Past

    Ironically I was listening to 'Shrink' by The Dead Kennedys

    on the way in to work this morning. Not going to post the lyrics

    here and spam but goggle for it and be afraid..

  9. Anonymous Coward

    @AC - 17:19 GMT "Capri Pants"

    Erm, you mean those things that used to be called pedal pushers?

  10. Dominic Shields
    Thumb Down

    Hmm a lot of denial here

    Its interesting isn't it? Any proper definition of BMI will say something like the Wikipedia entry does "It is meant to be used as a simple means of classifying sedentary (physically inactive) individuals with an average body composition"

    However and this is where people get confused, it is actually rather good at doing what it is not meant to be for, as a rule of thumb for whether an individual meeting the criteria above is prima facie in a healthy or unhealthy weight range.

    The largest ever report into Cancer published in October 2007 had a key recommendation of


    Median adult body mass index (BMI) to be between 21 and 23"

    The point I always emphasise in these discussions is if you have an overweight or obese BMI, go and have your Body Fat % professionally measured, that would settle things wouldn't it?

    Of course the final twist in the tale is that individuals of high BMI and low body fat % still have a worse outlook than individuals of low BMI and low body fat %.

  11. Anonymous Coward

    @ Graham Marsden

    Just what I was thinking myself ...


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