back to article Economist: girls actually better than boys at maths

An economist in America has published research stating that girls have at least as much innate mathematical ability as boys. Paola Sapienza contends that the fact of girls almost always doing worse in maths exams results mainly from sexual discrimination. "The math gender gap can be eliminated, and it is indeed eliminated in …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    that's as maybe...

    but they [girls/females/birds/totty*] still cannae tell the difference between left and right.

    .... or understand the offside rule.

    [* delete as appropriate]

  2. Rune Moberg
    Thumb Down

    Wrong focus

    Given the dismal state of affairs in Norwegian schools, it is pointless to look at gender differences. Specially mathematics have taken a turn for the worse for the past twenty years. Whether boys or girls perform better under such conditions is not that interesting, or is it?

    OK, so the girls can add two plus two, and the boys can't, but none of them still do not know any math worth a damn.

    I am open to the idea that girls are smarter. Fine. But... This particulary approach seems like a bad metric at best.

  3. jimmy

    There never will be

    There never will be equality, that term is used by women, it really means to have the parts of male supremacy that they like, they still want all the benefits of being a woman, men are expected to cater to that becasue everyone seems to have accepted that it is more difficult to be a woman and they deserve it. TBH im sick of dealing with it.


    "If you teach girls separately from boys, they perform dramatically better, especially in subjects where "traditionally" boys are expected to be stronger, such as maths and hard sciences."

    As far as education, i believe girls are more personally driven to do well, their mothers certainly enforce how lucky they are to have 'these opportunities' open to them, i know that was the case with my sister. Therefore girls are more driven to do well.

    Boys seem more restless and the only thing i concentrated on in class was how the girl next to me looked, girls are a distraction, i feel that hindered my progress in all subjects not just maths. So this nonsense about girls doing better when they are not placed with boys is making it out like boys are hindering girls ability due to peer pressure. That comment works in reverse, im sure boys do better without girls in class with them....

  4. Jim

    @ Ian

    "Err.. statistics is a branch of pure math :p"

    Err.. no it's not. At least not when I did my A levels all those years ago.

    Back then, pure maths was the study calculus, trigonometry, matrices and other general algebra. My exam board (JMB if you're interested) stipulated that each student be taught a pure maths curriculum plus one elective from mechanics, stats or 'applied' (bit of both).

    And "nearly all math is applied" is tosh too. While all maths can be applied to some degree (it would be pretty useless if it couldn't), 'applied maths' teaches how maths is applied rather than teaching mathematical theorems specifically. A simple example is the triangle, from a purely mathematical perspective it is a 3 sided euclidean shape where the sum of the internal angles is pi rad/180deg, etc. If you are building a bridge however...

    Going back to the study, how can there every be true gender equality (in education, life, whatever) when the whole issue is so highly politicised? The reality is that true equality is impossible because the different sides have different ideas of what equality is. If boys do well then it indicates that the education system is more suited to males and if girls do well then likewise. The worst part is that politicians will endlessly exploit this situation to achieve whatever end they desire.

    And the same goes for racial, or any, equality discussions. The worst part is that politicians will endlessly exploit these situations to achieve whtaever end they desire.

  5. R A Joyce

    Sex roles

    I was crap at sports and woodwork at school, and not very good at maths and sciences. I am good at languages (and eventually caught up with maths when I learnt to translate the symbols). As a result I've been out-numbered by women in almost every job I've ever done. I think most blokes in my situation would agree that our female colleagues probably treat us better than many men treat women working in traditionally male jobs.

    As far as education goes, in a perfect world, schools and parents would worry about teaching a child in the way that best suited her or his talents whether or not they were the ones usually associated with his or her sex.

    Mine's the one with "it's a hard job, but someone's got to do it"


  6. Austin

    Not to sound sexist..

    Women are highly more successful in American schools OVERALL, but males tend do better math, by a bit , Is the idea of equality, "Women do better at everything, get every advantage, and are generally more intelligent"

  7. David
    Paris Hilton

    Girls are better than boys

    Hey the Math says that girls are better than boys.

    And it is OK culturally to say that girls are better and boys are stupid.

    That is the culture and opinions are skewed by bias and culture. if you don't accept it then you are a troublemaker.

    Even ads say the same thing. Women are wise and men are stupid.

    So it must be true.

    I, a man am now a second class citizen. We men will just eventually end up being sex symbols to women. How degrading. Oh well I might as well shake ass. Cya.

  8. Brian Whittle

    me not understandy

    what the hell is math... Oh you crazy Yanks you mean maths.

    you can make anything say anything with statistics ,

    "Sir would you rather pay more Tax or have your eyes ripped out?"

  9. Brian Whittle

    down the pan

    Statistics is the reality TV of maths simple as that.

  10. p
    Thumb Down

    Racist comments about Turks

    What the heck does Lewis Page mean with "Turkey - where the men keep their women firmly under the thumb" ?

    Mr Page needs to get his head out of someplace and read the statistics on violence against woman in the West.

    Has he ever been to Turkey, a secular country where there are more female students in Graduate Schools than males ones ? Or does he writing this out of his bud, watching too many anti-Turkish racist Hollywood movies?

    I completed HS in Turkey and all the top students in may classrooms were females. This article is completely racist and has no place in Register.

    Stop prejudice, stop racism..

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Another bitter and twisted feminist speaks.

    On the Gaussian distribution of linguistics, I'll accept that women are better at languages for the most part, because in the cave they had to deceive men out of food and a living, using only their mouth, guile, and their vagina. It therefore follows that they had to be good at lying by ommission and/or ambiguity.

    Similarly, in order to get sex in the post stoneage world, men had to build things that didn't fall down. I drove to Surrey and back this morning, a long way. On the way I traversed hundreds of bridges, and was over flown by devices of such aerial cunning that Newton couldn't have forseen them. There were no women involved in any of this construction, other than perhaps choosing what colour it will be. Similarly, we can count on one hand the number of female inventors who've invented things men wanted, but didn't have. (I exclude things like the bra, if men had wanted women wearing bras I'm sure we'd have invented them.)

    Were I a great linguist, I would no doubt despair at men's inability to put their verbal case forward. I'm not however, I'm merely above average at logical analysis, and I can say from looking around at those I consider exceptional, there's one woman for every dozen men at the higher levels, and at the very top there's simply no women at all, I've been in meetings where it was clear the highest performing women there were so out of their depth they would have been more useful as tea ladies. I'm sure there are women all over who've been in literary meetings where the same is true in reverse.

    I don't deny, or even complain, that the education system has been tinkered with, to stop boys getting too far ahead of girls before they've even started, because for all sorts of reasons poverty is reduced when women work. (I think the government terminology is "It's better women pay for 20% of their keep than none at all.") however, to deny that boys losing out to girls at maths is for anything other than

    a. a politicised education system leading to

    i. Boys being positively held back by the state education mechanism,

    ii. Exams being modfied so girls do well at them,

    then they're either lying or misguided.

    I personally subscribe to a couple of personal beliefs, which is that firstly, as a class women sit closer to the norm, there are more male geniuses and more male morons. The examples I gave above are merely the end points, there's a huge, vast even number of people in the middle for whom sex is irrelevant.

    Secondly, that women are more predisposed to work hard just to be liked by their teacher. I'm sure that if young teachers gave a blowjob to the highest achieving boy, (or just tortured the weakest,) then boys would beat girls hands down.

    Alas, this isn't wanted politically, if girls don't have continual good feedback, they fall on their backs with their legs in the air, and cause a drain on the state. If boys fail, well, then they're fodder for enemy cannons, which is something we need right now.

    This is why we've invented hundreds of new professions, centred around not doing very much other than talking (usually complaining,) we've got to employ all these girls with women's studies degrees somewhere.

    As for equality and equality laws, I'm all for them. Some men complain that equality laws always seem to favour women. Of course they do, it's because women can't compete with men in the most fields, who else are the laws going to support? The strong? Laws by their very nature are designed to protect the weak, but in order to stay elected, the government has to frame them in the context that everyone could benefit from them, even when clearly only one party ever will.

  12. John Edwards
    Paris Hilton

    Everybody knows

    Girls are no good at maths because their brains overheat too easily.

    Paris, whose brain has never overheated, and because she needs more publicity

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The usual sexism

    i) Presume that male people are bad and oppressors and inferior and that, therefore, female people are good and oppressed and superior.

    ii) Ignore for the time being the fact that in those places where feminism has had most success, the average academic performance of female pupils is higher than that of male pupils in every subject area other than maths, with the obvious consequences in higher education.

    iii) Look at maths only and "correctly" interpret results dependent on the "correct" interpretation of various factors selected to give the "correct" impression of societies, thus "proving" that female people are good and oppressed and superior and that, therefore, male people are bad and oppressors and inferior.


    What are these people going to do when their success is complete and female people do better than male people in everything?

    Oh wait, silly question. They'll parade it about as proof that female people are even more superior than previously thought and therefore outperform male people despite male people oppressing them.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    >if young teachers gave a blowjob

    Of course there was a time, back when boys did better than girls, that most teachers were male and such an activity would be counter-productive.

    It's a shame though that there's no social link between boys doing well at school and getting laid. Although I don't think that would have improved my sex life either.. :(

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @ Ted Treen

    your grandpops was spot on.

    1 - <quote>results mainly from sexual discrimination</quote>.... how the fuk do they justify that statement? most teachers are women. am i to assume that females teach males better than they teach females? bullsh*t! boys have been on a consistent downward spiral of late and have no descent male role models within education to emulate.

    2 - positive discrimination is still discrimination... women have never missed any of the free lunches available and STILL they demand more.

    3 - there is a valid reason too: men are conditioned to protect their family, women are only conditioned to protect themselves and their children. revoke women's rights - they have abused them for too fuking long.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Re: if young teachers gave a blowjob

    "I'm sure that if young teachers gave a blowjob to the highest achieving boy"

    A bit of boasting so I'll remain anonymous. I was the highest achieving boy, nay pupil, in the top stream of my school back in the days when we had real exams and if I ever thought for a second that I was going to be so rewarded then I would have made sure to be well down the list. The maths teacher used to be a professional wrestler with Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks amongst his peers. I was never sure why he got back into teaching, I'm sure wrestling was less dangerous.

  17. JC


    It's well established there is no innateness to performing a task one learns by being studious. The only question is which gender in any given society is pushed more towards academics on average, and how teachers tailor their instruction. That's if we could have all else equal which is never the case, such studies are always prone to the errors and interpretive bias of those designing and analyzing them.

    Boys and girls are both equally capable of a full mastery of math in which there is a 100%:100% competency showing no innate discrepancy.

    Which group is more clever? Probably the ones who do worse at math at a later age - realizing that most of the jobs they'll have will not need the level of math taught, that their studies are more productively spent in other areas.

  18. Anonymous Coward

    Re: Ted Treen

    It wasn't giving them the vote that was the problem. THAT started when they got shoes. We never should have given them shoes.

  19. Anonymous Coward

    I smell a rat (despite having an inferior, male sense of smell)

    Are we sure that this isn't a variation on the Sokal Hoax? Anyone that can write "an absolute advantage relative to boys" has to have a well-developed sense of humour.

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Comparing objective data (maths exam results) against subjective data (perceived equality) will always produce whatever the author wants it to. This is an economist _producing_ statistics (Lies, Damn lies etc.) in an emotive field of choice, sexual discrimination. Discrimination is bad, whatever kind of discrimination. And I include this report in that field, it too is discriminatory in that it is supporting, without FACTS, a view that women are poorer at a single area of study because they are being discriminated against.

    Perhaps it is time that she and all 'feminists' understand that men & women are different. They have different abilities & skills, these are meant to complement each other not complete. There will always be those who excel in specific areas, some of these will excel in areas which do not traditionally 'belong' to their own gender/sex/orientation/inclination/floppy bits.

    An AC poster has said that she enjoys having doors held open for her & the man paying for meals etc. Is that not also discrimination? The man being expected to pay for the evenings / outings entertainment? Why not the woman paying? To remove the monetary influence why don't women hold doors open for men? These habits and attitudes have grown over a long time. Some need to be changed, some do not. If women want true and complete equality then they have to start the process as well. So, next time you are out with your male S.O., you pay for the evening, you hold the doors open, you do the things that you so like the men doing. true equality will mean women losing so much.

    Men and women are not equals. In every endeavour you care to mention there will be inequalities, whether they be hand / eye coordination, physical strength, spatial awareness, comprehension & understanding, anything. Women will be better at some things, men at others, this is provable. Wanting women & men to be equal does not mean that it is possible.

  21. Thomas Jerome


    Boys will always do worse off in GCSEs, because at that point in life, a portion of a young man's imagination suddenly becomes annexed by TEH S3X0R.

    All of a sudden, those Venn diagram questions in a maths paper shure do look like a big ol' pair of tiddies pushed together.

    Mine's the one with a rolled up copy of 'Big Jugs' in one pocket, and 'The Female Eunuch' in the other.

  22. Steve

    @ William Morton

    "For those people who have studied all the sciences I think they would agree that the mind set for biology is very different to that of the other sciences, this I believe is down to the fact that women have historically been more involved with this subject and hence their way of thinking has been adopted as the norm."

    That's because biology is a messy pile of vaguely defined relationships which is ideal for girls to sit around and gossip about.

    Physics has rules that cannot be changed by crying.

    And also lasers.

  23. Anonymous Coward

    what men and women are REALLY good at.

    I'll tell you one thing women are much better than men at ... making babies.

    I'll tell you one thing men are (usually) much better than women at .. being unfeeling and objective. (okay Margaret Thatcher was an exception to this)

    yes I am a bloke.

    evolution has created both Men and Women for their strengths.

    It's all the liberal-left-wing-theoretical-claptrap-spouters that can't see this. Why do we fund these idiots ?

    Can't we use the people that create this crap for medical research (especially things that would lead to their demise) ? that would be useful on two counts that I can think of.

  24. Slaine

    The first BIG mistake... (if anyone prints it) after Ted Treen et al

    Man, I am reliably informed, began his domestication within the confines of a cave, where he would sit in front of a fire on the bare rock and throw raw meat to wild dogs in an attempt to appease them. Man has always had an innate ability to recognise value in a lesser species. But as time rolled by he found himself in a rather manky cave, full of rotting pieces of meat that even the dogs wouldn't touch. And he looked out of his cave and lo he saw a tree (one must presume therefore that women had not yet made the leap from tree to cave) and saw that it was incredibly tidy, all those lovely branches, adorned with pretty little leaves and blossom.

    So, in the hope of inheriting some of that order and tidiness he invited woman to join him in his house.

    Baaaaaaad move eh? Here we are now thinking that maybe it would be a smart move to get back into that tree and leave the hormonally challenged with the house.

    Woman - remove the "W" and its an anagram of "Moan".

  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I was ace at maths when I was at school...

    ...does that mean I'm gay?

  26. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Wo(e) man.

    Says it all.

  27. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Women will never be equal cos we're better :-D

    You have a math degree, right?

    Isn't cos a function, i.e. cosx or cos(x)?

    Your typo is very interesting.

  28. Slaine

    multitasking again

    I have a degree in Mathematics. There are many functions, including but not limited to sine, cosine and tangent. Cos, however, is a lettuce.

  29. StillNoCouch

    @ Mark Johnson


  30. Colin Millar

    Maths, damn maths and statistics

    Showing a poor grasp of statistical analysis doesn't equate to poor maths skills - it does bring into question her training as a researcher.

    And if women are so clever how come they have let themselves be lorded over by a bunch of dumb schmucks for so long?

  31. alyn
    Paris Hilton

    Women still dont understand..

    that buying something in a sale is not saving money it's spending money.

  32. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    My sister got an A in GCSA IT, I failed, I left school after my GCSEs after enrolling in Biology, Business studies and Physics, for A-level, realising how poor these courses were, and just set out having a laugh, left home off my own back when I was 18. Now with no qualifications and no mortgage i'm working in top sector IT contracting, i'm 25.

    My sister is still in uni flitting from course to course, my girlfriend has been out of uni for over a year, and still can't hold a bloody job down, especialy one related to her degree (languages btw), she's a year younger than me, has 5 times the debt and earn less than an a third of my wage.

    So.... I may have been beaten in school by many females who showed a brilliant application of memory, but i'm doing pretty well for myself in the real world, where most people realise how little sign of actual ability exam results show.

  33. call me scruffy


    How the hell did these "findings" escape into the wild when the stats wouldn't even pass muster in an AS level stats exam?

    Please tell me that the peer review process has torn this to shreds... pretty please?

  34. Slaine

    and finally

    A Mathematician can be a good Economist, but even a brilliant Economist is not necessarily going to understand maths.

    Anything published by someone whose greatest achievement is to be "an economist" should relate only to economics. They, as writers, should avoid at all cost dabbling with heady issues such as "equality of the sexes" as it is this type of misguided thinking that got us in this mess in the first place. They should limit themselves strictly to economics and do not, in any parallel existance, rate sufficiently highly to comment reliably on statistical analysis, especially of figures garnered from such a subjective and random field as the education system. Any half decent Teacher, Scientist and Mathematician will concur.

  35. Mark

    Heck, show me equality between MEN!

    There aint none.

    Men don't rule the world. 0.0001% of men rule the world. A whole 0.0009% more than women.

    Men have crappy jobs and bonking our way to money isn't as accepted for men as for women. And, given that most of that extreme money is in the hands of 0.0001% of men, there's a lot of competition for marrying into that from women for men to have a decent chance of getting hooked.

  36. Anonymous Coward

    What is the interesting question?

    As far as I can tell most men are not very good at maths! And this is in my experience also true for most women ..

    So the conclusion is: most men and women that I know are not very good at maths. Now the more interesting question - does this matter? hmmm

  37. Slaine

    I wanted to have the last word

    Mark, I don't dispute what you are implying but can you qualify those figures? Are we talking about 0.0001% of all men, single white men or anything with a p3nis? Do you include priests (who have a p3nis but, presumably don't actually use it for anything that requires blood), do you exclude homosexuals or bleeding heart liberals ?

    If (and I do stress IF) 0.0001% of the human male population of our planet has managed to gain total control (doubtful given the amount of power women now seem to wield), how do you quantify the female 0.0009%?

    Is this 9/10000ths of a percent (9 millionths) of the population (implying that there are 9 times as many women wielding power or that women wield 9 times as much power as men - NOTE these are NOT the same); or is this 0.0009% of the power that is wielded by the remaining 99.9999% of the human male population that you initially defined (implying merely the washing up)?

    Don't fret mate - I'm just messin' with you; after all, with all this women's lib going about it's bloody difficult to get the last word in.

  38. Anonymous Coward

    @AC lady girl

    Where's my dinner?

    As for the "debate", IMHO the big problem men have is that certain other men have become so pu$$y whipped that they've allowed certain women to get into positions of power such that they then get to lady it over the rest of us. Shame on you wimps.

    To address @AC lady girl again. IMHO, she is on a desperate slide into an unhappy life. She is of the opinion that the ideal man should generally pamper her, give her an equal say in how the family and household are managed(by equal, of course, I mean that everything she says goes) and generally worship the ground she walks on while she treats him with disdain and rations sex like Fagin did the gruel. She will, no doubt, find herself some doormat of a wimp who'll give the impression that he's her ideal man by flattering her fragile ego. However, no matter what a wimp she's managed to snare, ultimately, men just don't react well to being pushed around by bossy women.

    Cue an extremely unhappy marriage which will end in a divorce which will, yet again, involve her getting everything she wants to the detriment of the poor schmuck. She might think she's got a good deal out of it, but has she really? No, because, had she simply behaved in the way nature originally intended that she did then she would have cleverly deferred to her man enough to keep him happy, while often getting her own way, and he would have felt quite happy too as his male ego(and hopefully other parts too) were gently massaged. He would perform the duties he was best suited to: generally earning more money, managing the household finances and future, DIY, etc., etc. and she would have busied herself making the "cave" more presentable and bringing up the kids. She would have had a happy marriage with her kids growing up in a balanced household instead of a broken one.

    The whole gender war really pi$$e$ me off. Hasn't the destruction of the nuclear family taught these stupid feminists anything? Even Germaine Geer now admits that a lot of the crap the feminists came out with was just that, and destructive crap to boot.

    So, AC lady girl, keep it up. I could care less if your smart alec attitude results in you having a 'mare of a life along with your unfortunate kids and the stupid schmuck who lets you get away with it. Me, i'll sort myself out a woman who knows how to behave like a woman and that means a hell of a lot more than smiling sweetly when doors are opened for you while you try and work out how much I earn based on the restaurant I buy you dinner at(fish 'n' chips twice please;)). She's more than likely not going to be a woman from a 1st world western country anyway because the majority of women from these countries just don't know how to treat their men or their kids for that matter. I'm a bloke and what I say in my own house goes, you've got cleaning to do.

    Oh and don't get me started on what women have done to the BBC. John Humphries you're my hero.

  39. Slaine
    Paris Hilton

    Pounds and Pence, Dollars and Cents

    Interesting sidenote...Since the majority of marriages now end in divorce and the nett result of a divorce is that the female gets the bulk of the valuables and since it costs more to be married than it does to be single, what other way is there to look at a woman's primary chosen role than as "having sex for money", which... come to think of it, probably shouldn't get past the censors.

    Paris doesn't do it for money... dat's a girl ;o)


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