back to article Veggies a 'perversion of nature': Official

We know how you lot like your scientific analysis: adequately researched, well-balanced and backed with solid evidence. You'll doubtless enjoy this piece down at Pravda, then, which confirms what the nutritionally-savvy among us have known all along: that vegetarianism isn't actually an informed lifestyle choice, but rather a …


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  1. George Johnson

    I'm one!

    We ain't all pasty faced hippies with a fluffy bunny loving complex, you know!

    I weighed a healthy 24 stone and decided to shift it. Let me tell you there's nothing like dirty great slabs of Quorn and lentil-nut roast to put you off your food and help lose that flab!

    After two years, I still love the smell of fried bacon and a steaming hot beef roast still makes me salivate and dribble like a 90-year old who's lost his false teeth. Still miss the taste of licking fresh Doner grease and chilli sauce of my fingers after really great kebab on a Friday night! I just can't face eating animals any more. It's a personal choice thing.

    I think everyone should eat meat, it's bloody good for you, my missus and I are veggies but our kids ain't, we still cook meat for them and it's up to them to decide if they want to eat it or not. We are not going to force our kids to go veggie.

    So before you start labelling us all freaky hippies, spare a thought that like all things in life, it ain't all black and white, loads of grey areas!

  2. David Cornes
    IT Angle

    Veggies "a perversion of nature"

    I prefer to think of us as the evolution of humanity... :-)

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Pravda also recently did a piece on depression

    They concluded that thinly disguised kinky sex with a member of the opposite gender is often a good treatment.

    Yeah. Water = wet, sky = up etc.

  4. Billy Goat Gruff

    Vitamin B12

    Cornflakes and marmite on toast?

    I always wonder at the term vegetarian. Try and imagine what your pizza, all day breakfast, Fish and Chip etc would be like without all the vege goodness...

    A pizza would be salami. Very nice. Not quite as stodgy and delicious as melted mozarella cheese on an oregano (or is it basil) tomato sauce with some filling base. And garlic bread and a really good salad. In fact given a choice I'd rather be a veggie than a meatie.

    An all day breakfast... bacon and sausages. Excellent, my favourites! But sausages have quite a lot of flavours added which a strict meatie wouldn't touch. So bacon and pork. Almost as good. But I'd miss toast, and eggs, and mushrooms and beans and tomatoes and, especially, the hash browns. And the brown sauce sandwiches and cup of tea. I suppose meaties could drink Bovril.

    Fish and Chips wouldn't be the same without batter and chips. Or vegetable oil to fry it in. A strict meaty would only have lardy fish.

    What;s your favourite curry? The sauce is nice, right? Now none of that is made from meat thus your curry becomes lardy mutton cubes. Or microwaved chicken strips for the ladies watching their weight.

    See, vegetarians don't just eat vegetables just as normal people don't just eat meat. If you had to become a vege or a meatie, most meaties would be sad and unhappy eaters. And die early.

    People eat meat because they like to, and that's good enough for me. Other people don't it because they realise it's not as healthy, or they don't like factory farming, or they only eat what they kill rather than buy cellophaned meat. The fact they made a decision is good enough for me. It's the ones who eat meat because their peers do, well, that's just sheeple behaviour...

  5. Angus Bell
    Dead Vulture

    Animal Protein is for wimps

    If you are a vegan or fruitarian that is (they eat supplements to stay alive). They eat no animal protein. Veggies eat animal products, as somebody else has already said. You will see them scanning the ingredients of cheese packets and wine bottles for evidence of dead animals though.

    Luckily plenty of wine and cheese is now made without dead animals bits, sadly the same can't be said for the melted pig trotters in Jelly Babies

  6. Rob

    Pigeonholing idiots

    To various: who the hell are you to tell vegetarians what they believe in?

    You know nothing about them other than that they don't eat meat.

    p.s. doesn't B12 grow on the famous Marmite tree?

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Can we have Pravda's take on...

    Windows vs. Mac

    Stallman vs. Torvalds

    Java vs. C++

    ISPs vs. RIAA

    And all the other traditional Register flame-starting subjects?

  8. Lisa

    Pravda was much more fun in the 80s

    Still, good for when you're bored of reading The Onion. :)

  9. Mark
    IT Angle

    @Stuart Van Onselen

    Get the stick out of your arse, Stu.

    As far as I can tell, all the "yup, this is soo right" comments are more in the vein of extending the "truth" to it's ridiculous logical extreme.

    We once had in grammar school a debate on "Is education wasted on women". There were three groups:

    a) Women who said it was a terrible thing and No, it was NOT wasted

    b) Men who took it seriously and agreed with (a)

    c) Men who saw it as a stupid question and came up with all the tired cliche's about "women's work" "sink" and "chained".

    (it's actually true, it IS wasted on women. Unfortunately for that answer you had to realise a deeper truth: the question was badly worded. It should have been "Is education wasted" because it's wasted on men too. Think about it: how many times have you needed to know the volume of a sphere is 4/3 pi r cubed?)

  10. Cameron Colley

    @ The generally intolerant.

    Strange how, at the moment, it's the meat-eaters that appear to have low boiling points -- and a great number seem to be wilfully ignorant too.

    Some of the comments above make me ashamed to say I'm a meat eater.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I'm a vegetarian

    >non-believers to risk sterility

    Doesn't bother me, after one too many kids my wife forced me to get the tubes cut before she'd let me near her again, rather dispells that myth.

    >lacklustre hair

    Never noticed, I've been a skinhead for as long as I care to remember, so that remains unproved.

    I'm also six foot two and weigh 100Kg so if the urge to throw something over a Hell's Angel did occur again I doubt I'd hesitate too long a second time, another myth debunked.

    Is that enough of a flame?

    I'd go through the rest of the ill informed comments but it's lunchtime so would someone quickly tell me where I can get B12 from and do I really need any?

  12. captain kangaroo

    Jeroen Braamhaar

    Are you for real?

    There are various types of veggie, some just don't eat meat, and some are purists who won't eat, use or wear anything that is derived or made from animal.

    Personally, I'm a strict veggie. The only leather I wear is protective, when I'm riding a motorbike, and I very rarely eat cheese and never drink milk. and I am a lot healthier for it. I do however, think that it's not necessarily a question of being built to eat meat or any of the evolutionary arguments. What I disagree with is the industrialisation of animal cruelty, the environmental impact of the practice and the inefficiencies of an industry that feeds cattle more food than they produce, use drug enhancements to increase yield and generally have lost touch with nature.

    It suites me physically and metabolically as well and morally...

    Tux - because I'm also a self righteous Linux user...

  13. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle

    Vitamin B12 and rabbits

    The amount of anti-vegetarian vitriol always surprises me (it seems akin to the demonising that closet homosexuals indulge in) when a non-story like this surfaces.

    More than anything I'm interested to know how rabbits cannot get vitamin B12 by eating vegetables, only by eating their own droppings. I assume that the B12 magically forms in the droppings when on the ground, perhaps by some new form of photosynthesis.

  14. Anonymous Coward


    "It just kind of annoys me when veggies imply that we are designed as herbivores, it's nonsense."

    I agree, but it annoys me more when people suggest we were designed at all. Natural selection doesn't "design" anything.

  15. kieran
    Thumb Up

    Brilliant, brilliant

    One of the best articles I've read (not including the death of DRM) in a long time.

  16. gareth

    @tom oliver

    if we are lazy herbivours plase explain the 4 teeth we have which a dentist calls No.3 on the count known as the canine teeth the sharp pionty ones designed for tearing up meat

    please also explain why we have both upper and lower sets of teeth which is a very uncommon trait in herbivours they generally have a hard plated lower jaw and only an upper row of teeth

    upper and lower teeth is a trait more common in omnivours and carnivours. also note that every other member of the Hominidae family eat meat either through active hunting of scavaging

  17. Ferry Boat


    Errr.... PITA are not a bunch of nutters, they are Greek breads ideal for the transport of tasty morsels to mouth. Try hummus or baba ghanoush. Both are vegetarian. You also get them around kebabs, they are not vegetarian.

    You may be thinking of PETA. They are different and crap with hummus.

  18. captain kangaroo


    A natural analog of vitamin B-12 is Hydroxocobalamin (OHCbl) which is more easily absorbed by people who's gut ph is more alkali = Vegans...

    There is nothing wrong with taking b12 supliments, or eating fortified cereals, the Vegan society recommends this.

    It's not in itself a meat biproduct, so it's not a compromise...

    :) face of concern? not here... You ought to choses your battles more carefully... You don't use windows by any chance do you? ;)

  19. Anonymous Coward

    The evidence is, er, self-evident

    Da Vinci - veggie

    Einstein - veggie

    Gandhi - veggie

    Bush - meat eater

    Blair - meat eater

    Gates - meat eater

    I rest my case ;p

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    hold on..

    A vegetarian can't eat wine gums :(

  21. Anonymous Coward

    @ Tom Oliver

    That's the biggest pile of...utterly flawed logic you're trotting out there. The sideways moving jaw tops the lot - what plants were *you* eating when you came up with that one?

    Humans (and most of our ape cousins) are ominvores - from front teeth to sphincter - pure and and simple.

  22. SomeElseNotMe

    @Joe Stailin

    B12 is in Yeast.

    Very few vitamins that occur in meat do not also occur in some form in veggies. (Torine being one that I know about - cant have cats on a veggy diet or they go blind - but why would you do that to a cat anyway? Though it can be synthesised - as in red bull.)

    See marmite - vegetarian. (might be vegan, but there are definite vegan versions)

    Me, Veggy 10 years, triathlete, very heathy.

    Reason: don't eat meat as I don't want to kill for fun. (don't need to eat meat so wont). I don't wear leather. Enough alternatives.

    Question: Why does being a veggy scare so many meat eaters? You always get a ridiculous comments to stories like these.

  23. Schultz
    Thumb Up

    Sorry ...

    Have to side with Mrs. Silverstone on that one. Her arguments are physically amazing and therefore amazingly effective.

  24. Steve

    @Dai - Bacteria

    "Are bacteria plants or animals - an interesting question and not once that is going to be answered conclusively on a Register comments page."

    On contrare, it can be conclusively answered, and probably could be by a GCSE biology student.

    Bacteria aren't plants or animals idiot, they are bacteria.

  25. Joe
    Thumb Up

    That Alicia!

    With her dry and fragile hair, dull eyes and unhealthy complexion. My local butcher wouldn't go near her!

    I must say, however, why do PETA representatives always claim they have so much more energy now they don't eat meat? I'm the same lazy feckless git I was before I became a vegetarian!

    Nice satirical poke at a preposterous Pravda article, by the way. I'm sure both vegetarians and cow-killers alike can agree that it's mainly hyperbole, probably written by someone who was writing Communist propaganda 20 years ago.

  26. Andrew
    Black Helicopters

    We had this discussion on IRC...

    yeah, this is an interesting one. I've been eating steak for ages.. since I was 8 I've eaten steak at every restaurant I've been to, bar probably about 10. (then I have either lamb/scampi).

    I loved reading Pravda during my A level history course. Amusing article.

    I don't eat bugs.

  27. g e

    So what did PETA stand for in that vid link?

    Please Eat The Animals

  28. SomeElseNotMe

    Why does Veggyness scare (some) meat eaters so much?

    It always seems strange to me that my choice not to kill animals for food because I dont need/want to, generates such a strong reaction.


    PS: omnivore - means we can choose what we eat, and choose not to eat things as well.

    PPS: Also, "if we shouldn't eat animals, why are they made out of meat...?!"

    So are you. See PS.

  29. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle


    B12 - yeast - marmite.

    Where's the beer angle? Liquid bread. The vegetarian wonder-food that goes with just about everything. Makes for a messy steak sandwich though.

  30. Zoya


    I can't believe how many people took this article seriously, and how many people have opinions based on flawed information. If you don't know enough about vegetarianism to see how it is different from veganism then you are really in no position to opine about it.

  31. Sweep

    @ Anonymous Coward

    "I agree, but it annoys me more when people suggest we were designed at all. Natural selection doesn't "design" anything"

    True, i would hope though that most reg readers would realise this is bad wording, rather than advocacy of intelligent design or any other such crap =)

  32. Anonymous Coward

    Ms Silverstone eats meat

    Like every other celebrity that claims they are a vegetarian the fact is they are not. They consume meat proteins in the forms of fish, chicken and cow, either chopped up in small bits in their tofu, salad or pasta. Plus, they all suck down hand fulls of nutritional supplements, of which many of them contain animal protein and fatty acids. In fact most all capsules for the nutritional supplements are made from 98% to 99.8% animal protein it's the only way that the products can claim to be 100% all natural. Capsules made from planet proteins without a synthetic binder and stabilizer breakdown in air within a few days, but capsules made from animal proteins can last for years without starting to breakdown. I was the IT engineer at plant that made the capsules for the vitamin/supplement and pharmaceutical industries. I know what and how the capsules are made out of.

    In college I worked at a Restaurant in Beverly Hills and I can say that celebrity claims of vegetarianism is all about show and has no reality in what they order when they go out. The Chief gets the calls from the celebrity a few hours before they show up and places their order. The wait staff tells the chief when the celebrity's order is submitted the Chief then verbal changes the order and makes sure the line cooks make it look like the vegetarian dish that is on the order while it's packed with cooked animal.

    My favorite one is the 3 grilled chicken breast blue cheese dressing.

    Take three grilled chicken breasts and chop fine in a food processor

    Fold in blue cheese dressing and whip till creamy

    pour on salad and top with blue cheese crumbles

  33. Tyler

    @ sweep

    " Australopithecine sp. et al. to Homo sp. ie"


  34. Anonymous Coward

    Carrion eaters

    The issue is not vegetarians vs carnivores as some commentators here suggest.

    Very, very, few of The Reg's readers are carnivores.

    Most of the meat-eating readers eat meat that was killed by someone else, and has been laying around for some days (at a minimum) before being consumed.

    That's being a carrionvore.

    Be proud to be a carrion eater, but go easy on the vegetarians who chose not to do so. Both choices can appear repulsive to those conditioned to eat in specific ways.

  35. Nikolai Kuzmin

    B12 in marmite...

    is made by yeast, so this stuff is full of dead animals.

  36. Mark


    [PPS: Also, "if we shouldn't eat animals, why are they made out of meat...?!"

    So are you. See PS.]

    Look up "humour".

    Why are so many vegetarians devoid of humour. I think that Prada need to get some research. Maybe a low-cholesterol diet damages the brain.

    In case you didn't get it,

    IT'S A JOKE.

  37. P. Lee

    re: Why does Veggyness scare (some) meat eaters so much?

    You should never tell people what they believe is wrong. It makes them defensive and then aggressive.

    Having said that...

    Meat may be an efficient way to consume protein, but its an incredibly inefficient way to produce it. The natural resources which could be saved by switching from meat to veggie diets...

    If that doesn't convince you, try these three letters: B.S.E.

    Now, I'm off to convince a Mac user that he should be using Windows instead.

    The mink fur one and yes, they are vicious vermin.

  38. EuroBob

    Where's the beer angle? Liquid bread.

    Unfortunately a lot of beer, in particularly lager is not vegetarian. Discussing this over a pint with a vege can be tricky, especially if they love Guinness (which is i believe filtered with a by-product from fish), as I did.

    I find vegetarianism is more a way of life than a diet.

  39. Anonymous Coward

    I Have to say...

    I very rarely eat fruit and veg, it's not that i'm scared of the stuff, i'd just rather have a plate of meat. It's done me absolultley no harm, I'm 6'2 14 stone with not an ounce of fat on me. I don't really exercise, apart from walking to work.

    I put my physique down to my glutony for meat, I've never broken a bone, never been to hospital, and only see the doctor when i need a sick note for work ;)

    I do, however have a terrible temper. So who'd like to tell me that you don't need meat in your diet, face to face?

    Penguin, because it's one of the few animals i havn't enjoyed eating yet!

  40. Tim

    @anonymous coward who wants to know about rabbit biology

    No, B12 doesn't form in poo that's left in the sun. I'm not actually sure that B12 has all that much to do with this process - it's more about protein.

    Their guts don't really have the enzymes needed to extract protein from vegetable matter, so another mechanism evolved to deal with this. Being quite muscular, active animals (necessary to escape from predators) their protein requirements are somewhat higher than other herbivores of a similar size.

    Rabbits drop two kinds of turd. Firstly are the little, hard, round pellets which consist of the fibrous material from their diet. These are just the normal faecal waste that you'd expect any herbivore to produce. They are also right little fuckers to get out when you tread them into the rug.

    The second type of poos are called caecotrophs. These are squishy, black and quite stinky turds which look like little bunches of grapes. You will never see these unless a rabbit is sick. These contain a mixture of the nutrient material from food that the rabbit wasn't able to extract while it was digested, and a rich soup of bacteria and enzymes. The rabbits gobble up the caecotrophs as soon as they emerge. These are then swallowed where they ferment in the gut. This secondary digestion produces quite decent amounts of protein.

    That two-stage digestive system is quite unique to rabbits. It has evolved as a way for them to secure sufficient protein from their relatively protein-free main diet of grass. I like to use this one in arguments with intelligent design loons.

    In a second evolutionary twist, also unique to rabbits as far as I know, they are unable to vomit. Rather cruel (but essential) for an animal forced to eat its own shit to survive.

    Rabbits are awesome, but you have to keep them in the house, not in a hutch in the garden. They are easily litter trained, don't smell, are very intelligent and they have far more personality than the average house cat.

  41. Lyndon Hills

    Last word?

    Vegetables aren't food, vegetables are what food eats.

  42. Anonymous Coward


    I do understand that the Pravda of has nothing to do with the formerly respectable Soviet newspaper. Pretty much every article they run is completely ludicrous, bordering on satire - kind of a Russian Inquir^H^H^H^H^H^HEnquirer.

    Regardless, another article like this and I'm going to start calling it The Vegister. Who's with me?

  43. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

    Re: @anonymous coward who wants to know about rabbit biology

    Rats can't vomit either. And I'm not sure giraffes can, either. Anyone?

  44. Christian Cook


    I also cannot believe how many people here are flippantly throwing around ignorant hearsay as if it were scientific fact.

    I also cannot believe no-one has yet mentioned the fact that veggies smell of turtles and sleep with their knees facing the wrong way.

  45. Anonymous Coward

    Consider this...

    The 'mainstream' animals that we consume, let's say sheep, cows and pigs, are no longer wild. They exist solely to supply humans with food and clothing, as required to survive and remain comfortable.

    Farmers, God bless 'em, struggle enough to make ends meet, but, were it not for 'meat-eaters' they would have little reason to maintain the aforementioned species as they would be a drain on resources with no return.

    So veggies, in effect, HATE animals and want them all to die. Meat eaters sustain their existence by finding them tasty (medium rare please).

    Also, salad, vegetables etc are a side-dish, meat is the main meal. I mean seriously, when was the last time you salivated over a a watercress and beetroot salad?

    Nuff said.

  46. Anonymous Coward

    Re: The evidence is, er, self-evident

    To MahatmaCoat:

    Hitler: veggie...


    Me coat, please

  47. Robert Moore






    That said my younger sister has always hated meat. Ever since she was a child. So perhaps some people are born to it.

    To the veggies who say I can get B12 from dairy products. What about me? I can't have ANY dairy products or I will be violently sick all night.

    Someone please pass the HP sauce and another sirloin please.

  48. Mark

    Meat production

    "Meat may be an efficient way to consume protein, but its an incredibly inefficient way to produce it. The natural resources which could be saved by switching from meat to veggie diets..."

    Although something like "goat" is an excellent way of turning scrubland into something more useful for humans. You can't get any decent human-edible plant growth off the welsh hillsides but sheep turn scrubby hillside grass growing on poor soil into meat. In africa, the goats turn the sporadic clumps of grass into meat. Farming in its' stead won't work unless you're really into irrigating or are willing to walk a long way from clump to clump, watering it.

    Where we can raise *cows* can be mostly turned into productive land for HUMAN plant consumption, so that's not a good idea as far as sufficiently feeding humans is concerned.

    So the most EFFECTIVE way of feeding humans would be

    a) grow human food where we can farm effectively

    b) raise goats or sheep or similar where we can't farm efficiently and get this transformed grass to walk to the farmer

    But this is now degenerating into a serious discussion to a silly article, so to get it back on track:

    I *eat* vegetarians. Cows, sheep, pigs etc. Though I wouldn't mind a nibble on Alicia...

  49. Anonymous Coward


    using the example of a Hollywood maintained robot..err..actress, with millions in professional skin treatments, customized dietary supplements, and a part time job at least of wasting calories at the gym with a personal trainer...any deficiencies caused by any diet or lifestyle are surely erased and covered up and accounted the PETA gal who demands all animal based products be banned but lives off bovine insulin...

    Besides, if she truly doesn't consume "animal" protein, then who cares how "hawt" she looks on the outside-it'd be like making payments on a Ferrari that's kept under glass and all you can do it look at it...

  50. Anonymous Coward

    Re: No meat since 18 years and feels better :)



    You didn't actually reference WIKIPEDIA as support for your argument did you?


    We need a "stunned" icon...

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