back to article Locky-slingers summon .Thor

Crooks are spamming out a new variant of the infamous Locky ransomware. More than 14 million virus-laden emails have gone out so far, according to web security firm AppRiver. These spam messages come with a booby-trapped .zip file attachment that poses as an invoice or letter of complaint to a targeted organisation but …

  1. Locky

    And for my next trick

    I'll rename all the files .Three

    I loved the three thors in the park as a kid

    1. David 132 Silver badge

      Re: And for my next trick

      Ho ho.

      Or the other old joke... the Norse god manifests on earth in the form of a mortal, and seduces a maiden.

      At the conclusion of their amorous adventures, he stands up and bellows in a mighty, thunderous tone "BEHOLD! I AM THOR!!!"

      To which the lady replies, "Oh yeth, tho am I, but it wath fun!"

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    They will all now get struck by lightning and deserve it.

  3. adnim

    Already getting them

    Subject "Wrong model"

    Body "We apologizefor sending the wrong model of the product yesterday.

    Attached is the new invoice for your product No. 64038236." (sic)

    It would be more fruitful if these malware slingers did some research.

    Find a company that sells product/parts... get a real product/part number send email:

    Subject: "Wrong part received"

    Body: "You sent the wrong part <real product/part number>, please see attached for the correct part number and our purchase order number. We will pay your invoice on receipt of the correct item.

    Kind regards


    "know your enemy" - Sun Tzu.

    However, why go to those length when even the broad brush attacks seem to work often enough.

    1. Locky

      Re: Already getting them

      A quick search on our gateway shows we had 1400 "Wrong model" emails dropped between 19:00 and 02:00 last night.

      Must try harder...

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