back to article America's Intelligence Transparency Council to meet for the first time … behind closed doors

A new council designed to bring greater openness and transparency to the US intelligence services will soon meet for the first time. Behind closed doors. The Intelligence Transparency Council was formally established by director of national intelligence (DNI) James Clapper last week when he signed its charter [PDF]. It will …

  1. 404


    ...Let me tell you a story of a man named Jeb.....*




    *.* This comment was edited for your protection by the US Department of Public Safety. "We're The Good Guys"

  2. Graham Marsden

    You keep using that word...

    ... I do not think it means what you think it means...

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: You keep using that word... a Predator suit... or a Vulcan warship...

      ... or Gollum.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: You keep using that word...

        Ah Princess Bride, great film, great quotes

  3. Franklin

    Who serves whom?

    "That enormous loss in trust between the American people and the intelligence services that serve them was in large part responsible for the creation of the new council."

    Shouldn't that read "That enormous loss in trust between the American people and the intelligence services they serve"? Not that I'm suggesting the intelligence apparatus has anything at heart save what's best for the people; perish the very thought.

    1. Someone_Somewhere

      Re: Who serves whom?

      An upvote for the use of the semicolon alone!

    2. Mark 85

      Re: Who serves whom?

      Nah... they got it right. We, the people, are being served by the intelligence services to whoever they decide to serve us to. And somehow I don't think we'll be put on a silver platter. Condiments are optional.

      1. DiViDeD

        To Serve Man

        "It's not a diplomatic handbook. It's a recipe book!"

  4. hellwig

    Give 'em a Break

    When you've only ever operated as a super-secretive agency where you consider yourself above the law and that everyone is a potential enemy, it's hard to change that momentum.

    I'm sure they'll eventually release a report on their planned method to foster transparency to the Senate Intelligence committee, where it will be heavily redacted and ultimately released, begrudgingly, only after several years of denying requests made under the Freedom of Information act.

    Of course, during all that time, the NSA, CIA, DHS, etc.. don't actually have to be transparent about anything.

    1. Tom 64

      Re: Give 'em a Break

      Sounds like a nice excuse to occupy a hotel ball room for a few sessions of lunch followed by brandy and cigars at taxpayer expense.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Treat everyone the same or it's not democracy

    1. Captain DaFt

      Careful what you ask for

      "Treat everyone the same or it's not democracy"

      NSA:"Righto! We'll be treating everyone like felons then, happy?"

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Careful what you ask for

        Felons. A felon is people too.

        1. Mark 85

          Re: Careful what you ask for

          But, there are restrictions on felons as far as ownership of guns, voting.... Hmm.. much like what some politicians want for the rest of us...

          1. This post has been deleted by its author

            1. This post has been deleted by its author

              1. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

          Re: Careful what you ask for

          > Felons. A felon is people too.

          Whilst I fully agree with the sentiment, my grammar pendant is twitching.

          "Felons. A felon is *a person* too".

          There. All better now!

  6. energystar

    Please Study...

    There are lot of reasons because Law Enforcement and Intelligence have boundaries, everywhere.

    1. energystar

      Laws are for those who follows rules.

      Majority, fortunately. For those who doesn't, Nations create Intelligence Agencies. [Even 'legislators' fall in this last category, of late].

  7. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    "You are free to do what we tell you!"

    American domestic policy.

    Perfectly synchronized with foreign policy.

  8. a_yank_lurker

    Orwell would be happy

    A transparency council that meets in secret to produce secret recommendations.

  9. Someone_Somewhere

    >the intelligence services that serve them <



  10. Blofeld's Cat

    Yes, Minister ...

    Sir Humphrey: How are things at the Campaign for the Freedom of Information, by the way?

    Sir Arnold: Sorry, I can't talk about that.

    Sir Humphrey: Good, good.

    - Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn, Yes, Minister Christmas special (1984)

  11. Herby

    And the minutes of the meeting...

    Will be encrypted for your safety. Stored an iPhone of course.

  12. frank ly

    The Intelligence Transparency Council

    You can see right through them.

  13. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Your Brains will be Wickedly White Washed in Muddied Streams of XSS Consciousness

    The working methodology and resultant, for public consumption product of the James "Big Fat Liar" Clapper's, Intelligence Transparency Council would appear to be a bastard clone and drone of Sir John Chilcot's lovechild and Iraq Inquiry, which is being meticulously censored/vetted/reviewed to ensure that half truths prevail, to be spun as actual fact, presumably in order to try and guarantee how the true virtual nature of reality and how future major events are planned and self-actualised for media propagation and presentation is not more generally widely known. ...... Spooky ProActive Entanglement

    To think and imagine that be a possibility nowadays clearly identifies one as a slow learner and/or even a vulnerable society member with acute learning difficulties.

    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Re: Your Brains will be Wickedly White Washed in Muddied Streams of XSS Consciousness

      Oh pleeeeassse, down voters, do yourself a big favour and don't identify yourself as a slow learner and/or even a vulnerable society member with acute learning difficulties. What is the problem you think you imagine? .........

  14. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    New definition of transparency

    Oh that one's easy : Transparency = opacity < 100%.

    So opacity = 99% is acceptable, and that's what we'll get.

  15. John G Imrie

    The Intelligence Transparency Council

    As is usual the difficult bit has been relegated to the name of the organisation where it can do no harm.

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: The Intelligence Transparency Council

      More "Yes Minister". I don't think that show was ever off-target for a nanosecond.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I think the general consensus is that everyone can see through this transparency council.

    Is that why it's called the transparency council?

  17. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

    Will the chairperson's official title be

    "The Supreme Head of Intelligence Transparency"?

    (I merely ask for information.)

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    This is a good example of hypocrisy. Clapper lied to Congress while Snowden who leaked the truth and is the champion of transparency is on exile and facing espionage charges. Let's reverse it. Snowden should come back to the US and lead the DNI while Clapper should go to jail for lying to Congress and to the American people under oath.

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