back to article 'eBay' of targeted attacks infiltrated by ex- Shin Bet intel men

Former members of Israel's Shin Bet intelligence agency have infiltrated a since-scuppered hacking forum that served as a specialist marketplace of targeted attacks. Intelligence bods from Diskin Advanced Technologies gained access to the Enigma forum, which required users to actively trade in illicit services to continue …

  1. emmanuel goldstein

    עבודה טובה

    1. Bloakey1

      עבודה גרועה.

      Through their incompetence they triggered alarms, caused the forum to close down and denied other people from obtaining and / or receiving some very nice intelligence and the ability to recruit informers and maintain an 'in' on the site and its activities.

      Anyway, what are Sin Bet 'doods' doing working on international issues, surely they are internal and satellite only? <insert smiley>.

      1. emmanuel goldstein

        they're ex Shin Bet. RTFA ;)

        1. Bloakey1

          I know, I inserted a smiley so re-read the post.

          Have worked with them in past and Matkal through cooperation in Multinational Security Force but it was a long time ago.

          Does your mother know that you are on this forum mixing with the Goys?

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