back to article Toshiba: We'll STAY in PCs! We'll just axe a few bods

Toshiba is the latest vendor to sound the warning alarm that all is not well in its PC business across Europe after scaling back regional offices and axing swathes of the workforce – just as the green shoots emerge. The UK and France ops, which have signed up as subsidiaries of the TEG corporation, will act purely as sales and …

  1. c:\boot.ini

    Toshiba do not need marketing, that is throwing cash out da window ... they need good sales guyz that funnel laptops onto the shelves.

    Not that I would get one, I avoid the Microsoft tax like the pest.

    They have brand recognition - Joe Public "knows" (or "thinks", YMMV) that Toshiba laptops are well made reliable kit.

  2. Ross K Silver badge

    Buy a Dell Instead

    Toshiba haven't made a good laptop since before the C650 and C850 models came on the scene.

    Crap keyboards and crap screens are the order of the day.

    The last straw was seeing a Satellite C50 recently which had no optical drive, just a big plastic blanking plate where the drive would be if you had bought the more expensive model - like a BMW from the 1980's.

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