back to article Farewell, Reg: This hack is hanging up her Apple jacket

It's a fond KTHNXBAI to Register readers as your humble hack heads for the door after 18 months as a Vulture, leaving behind some stale doughnuts, a promotional frisbee and taking with me some memories - great ones. Writing stories for the bumper 7.3 million Reg readers has been a privilege, and I've enjoyed reading your …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    Good luck

    Your articles were always a pleasure to read.

    I'll get your coat.

    1. Z-Eden

      Re: Good luck

      Erm, she said she'll be leaving it behind? Are you trying to steal it? Are you a secret apple fan?

      Anna, here's a pint for amusing headlines at the very least!

    2. Don Jefe

      Re: Good luck

      Clearly that jacket is Apple property. I'm sure they have trademarked blue denim.

    3. Silverburn

      Re: Good luck

      I'll get your coat.

      "You have already activated this jacket the maximum of five times. Please purchase a new jacket, or log onto itunes and deactivate an existing installation before...."

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Good luck

        Still better than:

        "This jacket was licensed to one wearer and associated with one chair to hang upon. You cannot bring the jacket with you to a new chair. You may leave the jacket with your chair for a new reporter, as long as you leave all lint in the pockets. If the new reported gets a new chair, the license is invalid, and they must pay for a new jacket license to go with the new chair."

      2. HipposRule

        Re: Good luck


        What sad person could possibly have downvoted your post?

  2. JoshOvki

    So Long

    So long and thanks for all the fish.

    Good luck on whatever you are moving onto.

    1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

      Re: So Long

      Apparently she is moving it to something involving tentacles, my initial thoughts involved a speciality Japanese form of cartoon, but sadly probably not :(

      <= Still, have a virtual one from me

  3. Silverburn

    Wall Street Journal?

    Aren't they huge Apple fans...? Enjoy your new/old job...;-)

  4. Dan 55 Silver badge

    Fare thee well

    Your replacement is going to have a tough time generating as many pageviews from irate fanbois.

  5. FartingHippo


    Shame. I'll miss the troll-bait :)

    Still, It's been a blast. Have fun at the WSJ.

    1. FartingHippo

      Re: Boo!

      Heh! Judging by the downvotes sprinkled on the good wishes, there's a lot of butt-hurt iFans out there.

      1. DF118

        Re: Boo!

        Being an iFan is all about the butthurt.

  6. James 51

    Good luck.

  7. alain williams Silver badge

    Enjoy pastures new

    and maybe send in an occasional guest item -- maybe something that WSJ will not let you publish.

  8. Khaptain Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Good Luck

    and thanks for all the fish

  9. tkioz

    Good luck and have a blast!

    Beer for luck.

  10. John Colman

    No, thank you

    I, for one, would like to thank you for providing such a great service to us readers. You have both entertained and informed us in what could be considered to be tech's most headline-worthy year.

    I wish you all the best for the future.

  11. Steve the Cynic

    And someone's got to do it...

    Hwyl fawr!

    1. Primus Secundus Tertius

      Re: And someone's got to do it...

      Diolch yn mawr, Anna.

  12. Pen-y-gors

    Pob hwyl

    a phob lwc yn y jobyn newydd.

  13. Longrod_von_Hugendong

    No idea...

    Who you are, who you were or what you did...

    so long and thanks for all the fish - enjoy your new job doing whatever it is you do.

  14. Magister

    One last time

    Felly hir, ffarwel, hwyl fawr,eich gweld yn fuan, byddwn yn colli eich

  15. frank ly

    Oh wow

    You really do have a full apple jacket. Be careful not to make any hollow points at the WSJ ;)

    Good luck :)

  16. Matthew 3


    I thought - just for a moment, mind - that I would quite like to own a jacket like that.

    Fortunately the moment passed.

    1. Steven Roper

      Re: Ashamed

      You need to wash your brain out with soap for thinking that even for a nanosecond.

      My immediate, instinctive reaction - from the instant the photons from that picture hit my retinas - was that I would not be seen dead and rotting with that jacket anywhere in the vicinity of my office, let alone actually on the back of my chair, or - [suppress gag reflex] - in actual contact with my person!

  17. LinkOfHyrule
    Paris Hilton

    Take care and bye

    I got a lot of upvotes for my dodgy jokes in the comments of your Apple stories over the years (well year and a half).

    Have a farewell Paris for old times sake!

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Good Luck Anna, gonna miss having at least 1 reg hack who isn't thrust up Apple's ass.

  19. Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse
    Thumb Up

    All the best

    I've never read the WSJ, and have no impending desire to start now, but I'm presuming somebody does, and they will be none the worse for having an ex-Rej hack on board - so best of luck with it.

  20. Bakunin

    "I've enjoyed reading your informative, erudite and witty comments ... "

    You must be reading a different site!

    Take care and good luck.

  21. SiempreTuna

    Lots of people with stuck keyboards this morning - v strange ..

    Good luck at the WSJ - you know all that stuff your Vulture boss called bollix about? You can start believing it all again :)

  22. Roger Stenning
    Thumb Up

    Thanks, good luck, and enjoy!

    As above :-)

  23. Fnurp

    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Which translates as, "We'll keep a welcome in the hillsides"

      1. PhilBuk

        I thought it meant "Mind the Gap".


  24. Anonymous Coward


    Finally we meet an author who obviously highly thinks of us and actually calls us Reg Readers instead of the commonly used commentards. And just when that bright news flash manages to hit me do I realize that you're leaving. Aaaawwww :-)

    Anyway, although Apple isn't really my thing I did read several of those articles you referred to and I agree with some of the others; they were very pleasant to read. I hope your next job (if that's the case) will give you as much pleasure & satisfaction as this one has apparently managed to do. Because having some fun at your job and the things you do is IMO priceless.

  25. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Oh darn, now I'll have to start paying for your prose.

    My subscription will arrive real soon now.

    However I will wish you every success in your new role drinking work colleagues.

  26. NoneSuch Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Reporting on a company that refuses to call you back must have been the biggest challenge a reporter could face. Yet, you handled it well and still got the facts out there.

    All the best in your future endeavours.

  27. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge


    Don't forget to get the WSJ Apple press conference invites, and pop back to Reg Towers to wave them in their faces and gloat.


  28. T. F. M. Reader

    Vultures guarantee WSJ, Bloomberg financial stability

    Wait... Are you saying Tim Cook will start returning your phone calls now? Unbelievable...

    Sorry to see you go. However, with Reg hacks going to places like Bloomberg and WSJ I have high hopes for the future of the financial press. Best of luck, and thanks for all the apples. I do read WSJ on occasion, will be looking for your byline.

  29. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Good luck, wherever you're going...

    1. Silverburn

      errr...that would be the WSJ?

  30. Fred Flintstone Gold badge

    All the best - bet you'll miss the view :)

    I hope your new office has at least an entertaining a view as the El Reg office at Leicester Square (and as wide a selection of food suppliers around it :-) ). I also hope that your new boss has the same twisted sense of humour that makes them hand out El Reg logo-ed paper notebooks to technical people :).

    All the best at your new job, and good luck!

  31. I Am Spartacus
    Thumb Up

    Gosh, people get to leave el Reg

    Who would have thunk it?

    Good luck in the future. And thanks for the amusing head strap lines.

    1. Vic

      Re: Gosh, people get to leave el Reg


      You can check out any time you like...


      1. ChrisM

        Re: Gosh, people get to leave el Reg

        But you can never leave

        </Hotel California>

  32. IglooDude

    Too much Welsh, how about Hawaiian?


    1. virhunter

      Any language will do...

      الله يسلمك يا سيدة ليتش! أتمنى لك الأحسن في عملك الجديد!

  33. Lallabalalla

    All of the above

    (apart from littledick_von_wha'evah)

    Y'all have fun.

  34. Admiral Grace Hopper

    Outstanding work

    Thank you, travel well.


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