Comments Section at the bottom of the page

This topic was created by G Watty What? .

  1. G Watty What?

    Comments Section at the bottom of the page

    Just wanted wanted to pop a quick message in here to register my disgust* with the comments section appearing immediately after the articles on some pages. I say some pages because some articles still have the old-fashioned comments link just waiting to be tickled by my rodent.

    However, some of the articles have the comments inline with the page. All well and good, many a site does this and to be honest that's not my beef (or horse if you're feeling saucy). My horse is that the "Most Rated" tab is the active one.

    Let us not mince words, many of the best quips made by the commentards on here are only funny in context and you have managed to eliminate the one thing that makes the comments section great, the chuffing comments. By removing the context you have managed to turn someone's mildly sane ranting into the seemingly random stream of insane garble.

    So if you must put the comments inline, please put them ALL there. I hate hearing only half the conversation and most of the time your just ruining the punchline!

    Over and out.

    *disgusted was probably the wrong word. A more accurate description would be that my face turns red, bile rises and my eyes bulge out of my skull. My rage, literally, knows no bounds when I see those chuffing "Most Rated" messages. TURN IT OFF. That is all.

    1. Phil W

      Re: Comments Section at the bottom of the page

      I agree completely, and was considering posting something in the same fine.

      Having comments at the bottom is good, sorting by highest rated is bad.

      The BBC News website has the same problem, on the stories where there are comments there are frequently highly rated comments at the top of the list that appear to have nothing to do with the story because they're totally out of context without the discussion that prompted them.

      The only way this would work is if you were to only show highly rated comments, that are not replies to other comments. Even then it is dependent on the poster actually hitting reply and not just making a new post.

      Fail icon, because this feature is at least a double fail.

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: Comments Section at the bottom of the page

        I'd go with no inline commentardary at all. Save some bandwidth for the folks who don't give a rat's arse about comment threads that are obviously going to degenerate into the same old tired fanboi vs fanboi rant fest. How hard is it click on a "comments" button if you have a mind to do so?

  2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

    G Watty What?,

    I shall also post to say I agree. I quite like the having the comments thread start at the bottom, but really don't like the 'best comments' view for the stated reason - they often don't make any sense.

    Plus the ones with most ratings often aren't the best.

    If you bother with a 'most rated' thing at all, I'd suggest it be available from the drop-down at the top right, where you can also show by date posted or in thread order.

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