back to article New police-run IT biz to take top cops out of the server room

The Home Office has finally fleshed out the details of its Police ICT company, which aims to help forces improve their IT and get better value for money from contracts. However, its long term role and influence is already under question. The Police ICT company, dubbed "Pictco" - created to offer access to better services and …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Sounds like a good idea

    This sounds like an eminently sensible idea, IT is hardly the core activity of the Police, a well managed external company supplying IT services to all Police forces as per the requirements of the forces should be beneficial for all.

    Just don't balls it up with prioritising costs over ability to deliver.

    1. IT Hack

      Re: Sounds like a good idea

      IT isn't the core activity of many companies who outsource their IT. Then invariably it all goes horribly tits up for a multitude of reasons include costs but also (mainly) politics.

      I fully expect to hear in a years time or two ...or even five (depending on the contract length) that its all gone badly pear shaped. Most likely either a horrific data security breach or outages.

      And if a security firm...oh say for example G4S bid for this work then we may as well pack up and let the crims take it all.

      Pint coz a pint is a pint.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Sounds like a good idea

        You never hear of outsourcing successes, just the failures, there is no news is "today things operated in exactly the way they should do."

        Besides, most Police forces outsource their IT to one degree or another already.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    SO the new

    SERCO / Capita pork barrel is almost ready?

  3. Digital postman

    PCCs running PICTCO

    In November we are going to go to the Polls to select PCCs. How many of the candidates know about this? It would be a good question to ask of those who have declared their interest.

    Moreover, how are a disparate group of people whose primary focus will be on their area get together to run PictCo? Who will be brave enough to run this organisation, answering to so many and so diverse a group?

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