back to article Tech salaries up slightly

IT workers in the US can expect a slight pay rise this year - but not enough to offset inflation. After two years of job cuts it is unlikely anyone will complain - and front line staff look to have more chance of a rise than their bosses. The median raise is 1.8 per cent, while inflation for 2010 is expected to be 2.6 per cent …


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  1. Chris Miller


    surely Gordo has abolished inflation? (Admittedly, this message appears not to have reached my local Tesco yet.)

    1. Alex Rose

      @Chris Miller

      "IT workers in the US can expect a slight pay rise this year "

      It's the FIRST LINE mate, the first bloody line.

  2. MinionZero

    @"Gordo has abolished inflation"

    The only way he could abolish it, would be to rename it! ;) ... See no more inflation, inflation is zero. This week we only have £ABC Billions of something called Bob.

    Then again in a way he has renamed it. Now most of the money we pay these days goes into something called the "help support the poor sodding senior executive bunch of bankers fund".

    p.s. If you really think you are getting a pay rise at all (this decade!), given the insane way our economy has been slowly run into the ground for the past decade, (and for the most part, as usual, we have not been told the full story about just how bad it has really been getting), then please feel free to cry after you see the ever increasing so called Debt Bombshell. i.e.

    (The scary thing is its not just the insanely high debt thats the problem, its also the interest on so much debt!).

    Sadly I think its becoming a case of last one out the UK, please turn off the light, Gordo's trying to save money to pay off the debt! :(

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Poor title

    This is a UK website, the title should read "USA tech salaries up slightly".

    Meanwhile, back in Blighty, I'd be more than happy with "slightly".

    Pay raise? What's that?

    1. multipharious

      UK website with Global Reach

      Agreed, but I am not reading this from the UK...or the US for that matter. Interesting to see the trend turn around in the US, and I am waiting on it doing the same over here. On a lighter note, job postings are up here in EMEA. Bide your time and punish your employer for failing to recognize your contributions by jumping ship. The attitude that employers have taken over the last year will be punished by the best leaving for better treatment. This trend unfortunately repeats itself.

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