back to article Amazon 'makes it easier' for authors to DRM Kindle ebooks

Update: This story has been updated to clarify what has changed with DRM and Amazon's Digital Text Platform. No-DRM, Amazon says, was always the default with the platform. Amazon has added a new tool to its Kindle self-publishing service that lets authors and small publishers easily choose between DRM and no DRM when uploading …


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  1. Long Fei

    DRM is one thing.

    I noticed the DRM option when I loaded my ebook (Free PDF copy at btw!), but what I'd *really* like them to do is to make it so I can get paid by Paypal rather than check!

    I don't have a US tax number, and I live in China, but if I wish to get online payments I need US tax details. If not, then it's a check, which isn't the best option for anybody. Especially as mail often doesn't reach me out here.

    I don't understand why they can send a check and not pay online wihout this information either, it makes no sense to me. They haven't replied to my questions on this yet either.

    Still, at least I can publish there now I suppose. We should be thankful for what we've got. :s

  2. Winkypop Silver badge





    I'll continue to avoid all DRM tech as long as possible.

  3. h 6


    As a writer, I'd feel like I'd want to protect my work so that I can make money off of it as I rightly should. But if I choose to write something for fun to give out free, then of course no DRM.

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