back to article MS fuels up five critical Windows fixes

Microsoft plans to release five critical update bulletins next Tuesday, all critical, in the September edition of its regular Patch Tuesday update cycle. As usual, not much information on the contents of the planned patches is available. All supported versions of Windows (2000, XP, Vista, Server 2003 and Server 2008) will need …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    "Monthly updates happen monthly" - shock

    "Alongside the critical patches on its menu, Microsoft also plans to update its Malicious Software Removal Tool"...

    You mean, like it does every month?

    "Microsoft releases an updated version of this tool on the second Tuesday of each month, and as needed to respond to security incidents."

  2. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge
    Gates Halo

    Defence Capitalisation under the Attack Vector Spotlight

    "The list of affected software leaves out mention of Microsoft's IIS Web Server software, which is currently the target of exploits capitalising on a zero-day vulnerability."


    When zero-day vulnerability exploits are designedly not malicious, but extremely inventive and novel, would capitalisation be credit wealth transfer and/or currency reward/payment to a proxy remote project team, and be much more regarded as an in-house inward investment program and much better beta plan, rather than the System, by its malicious definition/missed positive categorisation, continuing to do ineffective and destructive battle against what would then be, an imagined attack vector?

    The real in-house danger would then be that the any statedly benign remote proxy project could demonstrate, for exemplary damages purposes, a particularly severe and catastrophic attack, which would render them sole beneficiary of a revised Code Driven System and Masters in Absolute Control of the Dumb Operating System.

    One imagines that particular Stated Outcome, whenever it can be so easily avoided with an inward investment, is a no-brainer, and for to Delay and Risk the Complete and Utter Loss of Operating System Control and Power to a Remote Third Party Proxy, the Pinnacle of Folly which would only be Tempered by the Knowledge that the Existing Intelligence Quotient Running the System was Demonstrably Catastrophically Insufficient.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Windows Update

    I'm wondering if The Register might save some money by just generating a news article with automatic software every time windows update releases an operating system patch. Maybe you could use the same markov state machine that "amanfromMars" uses?

  4. dreamingspire

    Out of sequence patches

    During late August my XP system received 2 additional updates (one of them pushed), but I have not seen any description of them. Anyone help?

  5. mrweekender

    More holes...

    ...than Swiss cheese!

  6. dreamingspire
    Thumb Up


    Apologies: I had not done enough searching. One of them was the time zone boundaries update (sure: I really need that -- not), and the other looks as if it was a rerun of an earlier one because another update had negated it (deleting the signature on printer drivers, I think).

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