back to article Nvidia to launch top-of-the-line mobile GPU on Monday?

Monday, 19 November looks set to see the launch of Nvidia's latest top-of-the-range mobile GPU, if muted conversations we've overheared in the vicinity of London's Tottenham Court Road are to be believed. The chip's the GeForce 8800M GTX, and it's believed to be the 65nm die-shrink of the 90nm mobile 'G80' chip Nvidia released …


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  1. zedee

    What is a GPU Monday?

    Some sort of temporal warping-based GPU performance enhancement, but it only works one day a week?

    Come on Reg....

  2. Jonas Nagel

    Re: GPU Monday

    Error, no such term found in article. Please specify.

    What are you talking about?

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